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Ваш поиск MASTER дал 135 результаты.

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VITA ZAHNFABRIK – Case reports on the VITAPAN EXCELL denture tooth

From partial dentures and highly esthetic challenges to comprehensive implant denture restorations using VITAPAN EXCELL: Be inspired by our case reports from fellow professionals!

Клинические случаи Show Yamamoto

VITA calendar april Show Yamamoto


VITA VMK Master®. metal-ceramic

VITA ZAHNFABRIK. Lifelike dentures with VITAPAN EXCELL – the natural, esthetic denture tooth

A modern denture tooth for full, partial, and implant-supported dentures: Discover our range of shades and moulds, case studies and testimonials now!

Implant-supported, removable restoration with the VITAPAN EXCELL denture tooth

Dentist, dental technician, and patient on the VITAPAN EXCELL denture tooth
: Read here for more on the treatment steps with new anterior restorations

Universities and colleges

Clinical studies, dissertations and master's theses

VITA ZAHNFABRIK – full dentures give Deanne a renewed quality of life

Case report and laboratory workflow with the VITAPAN EXCELL denture tooth Read the experience of denturist Tanya Little and her patient Deanne here

VITAPAN EXCELL® Perfect shape


VITAPAN EXCELL user report with master dental technician Conrad Frerichs

VITAPAN EXCELL – combines the best. Interview with master dental technician Conrad Frerichs


VITA conducted interviews with German dental labs that have tested the new VITAPAN EXCELL line of anterior teeth. Find out what they like most about the new premium prosthesis, the advantages of the p...



VITAPAN EXCELL user report with master dental technician Anett Böttcher

You simply have to have VITAPAN EXCELL. Interview with master dental technician Anett Böttcher.

Patient case Eric Berger Restorations of two incisors with VITA SUPRINITY PC

Клинический случай: Реставрация верхних резцов с помощью VITA SUPRINITY PC в комбинации с VITA VM 11

VITA Experten: My perfect match

VITA Experten: My perfect match

VITA calendar july clinical case Jürgen Freitag

VITA calendar july Jürgen Freitag

Patient case Marcio Breda Front tooth veneer and crowns

Клинический случай Marcio Breda. Виниры для фронтальных зубов и коронки, изготовлены с помощью VITA VMK Master®.

Patient cases. VITA Masterpieces

...Patientenfälle. VITA Masterpieces. Zahntechniker zeigen ihre besten Patientenfälle: Kronen und Veneers, Zahnfarbbestimmung, Ober- und Unterkiefer-Totalprothese, Seitenzahnkrone, Frontzahnbrücke, Frontzahnkrone, Inlay, Totalprot...

Patient case USA anterior tooth restoration

Клинический случай США Реставрация фронтальных зубов. Протезирование 19-летнего пациента после травмы зубов 21 и 11 с помощью облицованных коронок VITAVM®9 Amos Harting St. Louis, USA.

VITAPAN EXCELL user report with master dental technician Franz Hoppe

Veteran prosthetics expert meets VITAPAN EXCELL®. Interview with master dental technician Franz Hoppe.

VITA AMBRIA ➤ The press ceramic without compromise. ➥ Patient case

VITA AMBRIA, the zirconia-reinforced lithium disilicate ➤ Discover Professor Knezović Zlatarić's clinical case now

VITA AMBRIA ➤ The press ceramic without compromise. ➥ Patient case Jürgen Freitag

VITA AMBRIA, the zirconia-reinforced lithium disilicate ➤ Discover Jürgen Freitag's patient case now

VITA calendar march clinical case Carlo Montesarchio

VITA calendar march Carlo Montesarchio

VITA calendar october clinical case Andreas Hoffmann

VITA calendar october Andreas Hoffmann

New design of the VITA classical A1-D4® shade guide

VITA tooth shade determination – Always on the cutting edge for the perfect contemporary tooth.

VITAPAN EXCELL user report with dental technician Berit Hantusch

VITAPAN EXCELL®: for all applications. Interview with dental technician Berit Hantusch.

History of VITA Zahnfabrik

Since 1924, we have been developing ever better solutions for perfect prosthetics in terms of function and esthetics. This is the VITA PERFECT MATCH and groundbreaking claim of VITA Zahnfabrik. Dental...

Patient case Francesco Ferretti Italy Restoration of a front tooth with VITA PM 9

Клинический случай: Единичная коронка на передний зуб из VITAPM®9 из практики зубного техника Francesco Ferretti Rom, Italien.

VITAPAN EXCELL user report with dental technician Benjamin Strasser

For every challenge VITAPAN EXCELL®. Interview with dental technician Benjamin Strasser.

VITAPAN EXCELL user report with dental technician Andrea Daffner

In this interview, the dental technician describes her experiences with VITAPAN EXCELL anterior teeth VITA.


Systematische Farbreproduktion mittels VITA VMK Master-Verblendsystem

Patient case Georgy Gerasimov Anterior tooth veneer

Patient case Georgy Gerasimov. Anterior tooth veneer and crowns with minimally invasive preparation, fabricated with VITA VM 13.

VITAPAN EXCELL user report with dental technician Viktor Fürgut

In the interview dental technician Viktor Fürgut reported on his experiences with the new VITAPAN EXCELL set of anterior teeth VITA.

VITA calendar june clinical case Björn Czappa

VITA calendar june Björn Czappa


VITA ENAMIC®. Hybrid dental ceramic

Patient case Luis Miguel Vera. Restoration of a front tooth with VITA PM 9

Реставрация фронтального зуба с VITA PM 9.

Шедевры Виктор Фюргут

Полные протезы с зубами VITA PHYSIODENS

Шедевры Виктор Фюргут

Полные протезы с зубами VITA PHYSIODENS

VITA calendar september clinical case Angelo Rossi

VITA calendar may Dr. Julián Conejo Gutiérrez

VITA Master Class | VITA LUMEX AC® avec Éric Berger | Module 5

Fidélité chromatique optimale. Excellente dynamiqu...

VMK Master product info Netpaper

VMK Master product info Netpaper

VITA Easyshade® V & VITA mobileAssist

VITA Easyshade® V & VITA mobileAssist. Tooth shade determination

Video Bárbara Calero VITA VMK Master

Video Bárbara Calero My perfect match


VITA AKZENT® Plus for all types of dental-ceramic materials, for the layering and press technique and feldspar ceramic blocks such as VITABLOCS to monolithic restorations. It is suitable for all denta...


The super translucent CAD/CAM block for efficient chair-side treatment: VITA ENAMIC® ST

Lithium disilicate press ceramic: Crowns in the correct tooth shade

Do you want better esthetic results with a press ceramic? → Then read this case report from a fellow dental technician

16.12.2020 | DENTAL VISIONIST 2.9

Dental Visionist Englisch 2.9 Abonnenten

Corporate identity

Наше обещание: „VITA – perfect match“ - это когда пользователь чувствует, что он всегда и в любое время находится в центре наших действий!

16.12.2020 | DENTAL VISIONIST 2.9

Dental Visionist Italienisch 2.9 Abonnenten


VITABLOCS® Chairside CAD/CAM Blocs.

Patient case from India. Restorations of two incisors

Клинический случай: Реставрация верхних резцов с помощью VITA SUPRINITY PC в комбинации с VITA VM 11

<p>What shades are available for VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor?</p>

VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor is available in 12 shades – 11 VITA classical A1-D4® shades (A1, A2, A3, A3,5, B1, B2, B3, C2, C3, D2, D3) and one Bleached shade (0 M1)

<p>What sizes are available for VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor?</p>

VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor is available with a diameter of 98.4 mm and a disc height of 20 mm (universal geometry with circumferential shoulder).

<p>How many layers does a VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor disc contain?</p>

Each VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor disc, is a genuine multilayer disc comprising four layers that are perfectly adapted to one another.

<p>How many units (teeth) can be fabricated from a single VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor disc?</p>

Up to 42 units can be milled per disc, depending on the selected tooth size and positioning in the disc.

<p>Is VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor part of a closed processing system, or is it suitable for use with open systems?</p>

VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor is suitable for all open systems with a universal disc holder.

We recommend a combination of VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor and VITA VIONIC BASE DISC HI, together with VITA VIONIC BOND adhesive.




Individual veneering