
VITA LUMEX AC in implant prosthetics: veneering ceramic harmony on widespan titanium frameworks

Dental Technician Tamer Al Haddad
Al Ain, UAE

After graduating as a dental technician from Al-Baath University (Homs, Syria) in 2007, Tamer Al Haddad acquired nine years of experience in various laboratories at home and abroad. The laboratory manager and dental technician is passionate about harmonizing shape, texture, shade effect and function in his daily dental work. It is no wonder that his laboratory, which opened in Al Ain (UAE) in 2016, bears the name Harmonic Dental Lab and is successful at home and abroad: Tamer Al Haddad now supplies 30 clinics with his high-quality dentures.

In order to create harmonious dentures, the laboratory owner is always looking for the right combination of materials that can be used safely and economically. This is how he discovered the veneering ceramic VITA LUMEX AC. The AC stands for All Ceramics, which means it can be used universally on all common ceramic frameworks. However, the veneering ceramic also looks great on titanium frameworks, which Tamer Al Haddad reports on in the following interview.

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