VITA vPad excellence beginning with serial number 2820172050
VITA vPad comfort beginning with serial number 3020180051

VITA Update Messenger Version 200312
Dear Customers, Dealers and Service Partners,
The new software updates 200312 are now available for the:
VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820170050 to serial number 2820180274
VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820180275
VITA vPad comfort from serial number 3020180051
and the accompanying furnaces:
Details on how to install the updates are provided in the following instructions:
The new software updates 200312 are now available for the:
VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820170050 to serial number 2820180274
VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820180275
VITA vPad comfort from serial number 3020180051
and the accompanying furnaces:
Details on how to install the updates are provided in the following instructions:
Download installation instructions
Serial numbers dependent on software updates
VITA Zahnfabrik provides serial number-dependent software updates for model ranges of the devices mentioned above.
For this reason, you should check your serial number directly on the system before performing a software update.
Please only perform the software update if the serial number of your vPad is within the indicated range.
For this reason, you should check your serial number directly on the system before performing a software update.
Please only perform the software update if the serial number of your vPad is within the indicated range.
VITA vPad excellence
Download Software 200312

For VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820170050 to serial number 2820180274.
Software update version 200312 VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820180275.
Software update version 200312 VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820180275.
VITA vPad comfort
Download Software 200312

VITA vPad comfort beginning with serial number 3020180051.
Information on the content
of the software update
These software updates relate to the systems specified above and have been provided in generation-specific versions due to extensive hardware and software changes. At IDS 2015, several software features were introduced that were based on the models of the previous generation, and could not be implemented on the models mentioned above due to specific hardware incompatibility.
If you are interested in upgrading to the new software and hardware features, you can do so at any time by purchasing the latest generation of equipment, such as the control unit. The new control units are easy to install with dental furnaces from the series mentioned above of the generation prior to IDS 2015.
Content of software update 200312 for VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820170050 and VITA vPad comfort from serial number 3020180051
– Update of AMBRIA firing programs
– Addition of AMBRIA processing instructions
– Correction of Cyrillic script (concerns Russian and Bulgarian)
Content of software update 200312 for VITA VACUMAT 6000 MP
– Adjustment of the pressure relief before the chamber is ventilated
Content of software update 200312 for VITA ZYRCOMAT 6100 MS
– Revision of lift blocking recognition.
If you are interested in upgrading to the new software and hardware features, you can do so at any time by purchasing the latest generation of equipment, such as the control unit. The new control units are easy to install with dental furnaces from the series mentioned above of the generation prior to IDS 2015.
Content of software update 200312 for VITA vPad excellence from serial number 2820170050 and VITA vPad comfort from serial number 3020180051
– Update of AMBRIA firing programs
– Addition of AMBRIA processing instructions
– Correction of Cyrillic script (concerns Russian and Bulgarian)
Content of software update 200312 for VITA VACUMAT 6000 MP
– Adjustment of the pressure relief before the chamber is ventilated
Content of software update 200312 for VITA ZYRCOMAT 6100 MS
– Revision of lift blocking recognition.
In order to keep the updates clear, there is an applicable furnace update for every vPad update associated with the same software version number.
VITA recommends performing software updates in order to ensure smooth operation of your systems.
Should you have any questions or comments regarding the software updates, please call VITA Equipment servicing:
Telephone number: +49 (7761) 562 222
Should you have any questions or comments regarding the software updates, please call VITA Equipment servicing:
Telephone number: +49 (7761) 562 222