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Your search for DI has produced 1216 results.


VITA ZAHNFABRIK – Case reports on the VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor

VITA ZAHNFABRIK – Case reports on the VITA VIONIC DENT DISC multiColor

VITABLOCS evaluations and clinical case studies

VITABLOCS evaluations and clinical case studies

VITA VIONIC VIGO: The digital tooth for the digital denture at the touch of a button

VITA VIONIC VIGO: The digital tooth for the digital denture at the touch of a button


No. 1511 A Guide to Complete Denture Prosthetics | Brochures (Version 002)

No. 1769 VITABLOCS | Instructions for use (Version 012)

No. 10160 VITA YZ SOLUTIONS | Technical and scientific documentation (Version 005)

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VITA ZAHNFABRIK – Case reports on the VITAPAN EXCELL denture tooth

From partial dentures and highly esthetic challenges to comprehensive implant denture restorations using VITAPAN EXCELL: Be inspired by our case reports from fellow professionals!

Implant-supported, removable restoration with the VITAPAN EXCELL denture tooth

Dentist, dental technician, and patient on the VITAPAN EXCELL denture tooth
: Read here for more on the treatment steps with new anterior restorations

VITA ZAHNFABRIK. Lifelike dentures with VITAPAN EXCELL – the natural, esthetic denture tooth

...Discover our range of shades and moulds, case studies and testimonials now!...