Statement from Marcio Breda: “There is no doubt that with VITA VMK Master,s I am working with the world’s best veneering material.”
VITA Around The World.
Marcio Breda. Vitória, Brazil.
Marcio Breda
Vitória, Brazil.

Short biography of Marcio Breda
- Marcio Breda is a dental technician with a private laboratory in Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil
- Specialist in dental ceramics and challenging aesthetics
- Degree from the Facultad de FAESA (Facultad de Administración Espíritu-Santense)
- Own laboratory since 1989
- Author and co-author of many national and international publications on the topics of aesthetics and implantology, including publications in The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (JPD)
- Consultant for VITA Zahnfabrik in Latin America
- Currently Director of the educational institution "Centro de Estudios y formacion"
The workplace of Marcio Breda
Laboratório Manzoli
Rua Dr. Eurico de Aguiar
130/710 Praia de Santa Helena
Vitória-ES (Espírito Santo)
CEP: 29055-042
Telephone: +55 27 3345-2844
Patient case
Front tooth veneer and crowns manufactured from VITA VMK Master®
Initial situation: Unfortunately, the two older crowns on tooth 11 and tooth 21 no longer corresponded to the patient's aesthetic expectations. Neither tooth matched the shade and form, nor the red-white aesthetic in the gingival area.
Due to a post abutment on tooth 11, we decided on a restoration with metal ceramic crowns. For a more harmonic red-white aesthetic, they were provided with a ceramic shoulder.

Ceramic veneers were also placed on teeth 21 and 22 in order to achieve a more natural transition to the neighboring teeth.

Initial situation after removal of the old crowns

For a more precise determination of the tooth shade in the cervical region, the choice of LUMINARY veneer materials in the mouth was determined.

Production of the metal ceramic framework from Sintron (AmannGirrbach).

The framework was coated with VITA NP Bond and VMK Master Opaquer after blast cleaning.

Crowns and prepared stumps for the veneers on the master model. For the ceramic shoulder materials, LUMINARY 2 was applied and fired to guarantee the conduction of light into the gingiva.

First dentin layer: cut back follows the complete application of the dentin A1. In doing so, it is very important to take the individual form of the incisal edge into consideration.

After that, shaping of the mamelon with DENTINE MODIFIER - DM2 and ENAMEL EN1.

With alternate layers of TRANSLUCENT materials T4, T5 and the opal material OT1, an individual effect was achieved in the enamel region.

After producing the crowns, the investment material is blasted from the veneers and prepared for insertion.

The surfaces are inspected in the mouth. If needed, even smaller corrections are performed using polishing equipment.

The patient was very satisfied and so were we!

Marcio Breda (dental technician), Henrique Rafalski Breda (dentist) and patient